Mini documentary for Danida Fellowship Centre

I’m happy to share my latest production for Danida Fellowship Centre

“Watch the video about the two Danida fellowship change agents, Dorcas Ohenewaa from Ghana and Antony Okeyo from Kenya on their journey through Denmark in search of sustainable solutions to some of the green transition challenges they face in their home countries.”

Producer: Vibebe Quaade

Cinematography and editing: Søren Bang Clemmensen

Art project for “Papir”

I’m honoured to show you my latest project for the danish rock band, Papir.

The track is called “7.2” and it will be on Papir’s next record “8”, which will be released on January the 14th.

The video is a combination of drone footage and 3D-manipulated versions of some of my acrylic paintings.


I’m happy to share the latest production I was involved in.

Præmis was in charge of direting and I was in charge of filming, editing and color grading.

“Professor Carlos Moreno, OBEL AWARD winner 2021, presents the 15-minute city. The 15-minute city is an urban model that cities can use to ensure that all residents are able to access their daily needs (work, housing, food, health, education, and culture and leisure) within the distance of a 15-minute walk or bike ride.”

Mini documentary for Danida Fellowship Centre!

“The 2nd video about the delegation of 25 Kenyan SDG pioneers as they went to the People´s Meeting / Folkemødet 2021 in Bornholm to learn and get inspired and also infuse global perspectives into the debates.
Get a glimpse of their discussions with Flemming Møller Mortsensen, Minister for Development Cooperation and Jeffrey Sachs, Professor and Director for the Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University, USA and hear how the youth in Kenya eventually will be driving the sustainable development agenda.”
I hope you dig!

I was the cinematographer and editor on the video. Vibeke Quaade was the director.


Jeg har fået et nyt kamera i tasken, og det er et Sony FX3.

Ferien bliver brugt på at teste det på min kære familie, som efterhånden er vant til (og glade for) at være statister i alle mine tests 😀

Her ses kameraet klargjort til dokumentar.

Mini-dokumentar om inspirerende kenyanere er nu online

Jeg laver filmen i tæt samarbejde med altid sympatiske Danida Fellowship Centre

“The Kenyan fellows will work on a joint initiative together with 2030beyond, as part of our learning programme Strengthening Policy Dialogue to accelerate SDG implementation. The course, facilitated by INKAconsult and Beyond2030, is happening now in Copenhagen and connecting Kenyan SDG-pioneers working for good governance and sustainable change.”

Nyt Talkshow for Det Kongelige Teater

Vi er meget glade for at have stået for al teknikken (Billede, lys, klipning og jingle-produktion) af Det Kongelige Teaters nye talkshow.

Idé og producent: Præmis

I første afsnit kan I møde skuespillerne Laus Høybye og Sofie Torp i et underholdende og ærligt interview, der tager jer med ind bag scenen. Begge er lige om lidt aktuelle i Anne Linnet-musikforestillingen Jeg er jo lige her på Gamle Scene.

Klik på billedet for at se programmet.

Bidrag til rumænsk balletfilmsproduktion

I filmen her, som er en hyldest til rumænsk kunst og kultur, har jeg stået for optagelserne i København. Filmen blev lanceret på Rumæniens nationaldag d. 1 december 2020.

′′ Brancusi The ballad of the road to infinity ′′ is a story about talented Romanians with a sense of value and some of the important things that define us.Our film brings together artists we cherish immensely, located thousands of kilometres away, but always together where it matters: in art.